Knowledge is Power
A two-day live training session on how to tune into the depth of your womanhood with confidence, authenticity & hormonal resilience.

As a busy woman, I hardly allowed myself any time to dwell on my hormonal health, mostly because there was too much else going on. For me, dealing with the menstrual cycle was a nuisance: irregular, bloody and painful. Ideally this part of me would be turned off like an unwanted tap and never mentioned again.
And I know, I am not alone in pushing down my own health needs.
I would have gladly stayed in this blissful ignorance and somehow pushed through if it wasn't for the early signs of perimenopause at 39.
There were times when I would seriously question my health, to the point of thinking that maybe there was something horribly wrong with me, like cancer.
This was a turning point, things had to change.
Today I no longer feel this way.
After tapping into many tools, spending years delving into health modalities, things started to improve.
I want to share this with you.
I have designed this course to empower you to take your health into your own hands, feel inspired and thrive as a woman.
Maybe you're feeling like this...?

Embrace your womanhood with confidence and authenticity.
Have the ability to read your body with inner wisdom.
Learn techniques for hormonal resilience.
Understand how your sex hormones affect you and how you can play them to your advantage.
Understand what are the most common menstrual abnormalities and how to mitigate them.
Never again be gas-lit by any third party in believing that it’s in your head and told to just 'deal with it'.
Recognise how your body is changing through womanhood.
Taking charge of that journey by tapping into the insight that comes with age and experience.
I'm ready to be M-Powered

M-Powered: 2 Day Course
Join us on this empowering two-day journey of self-discovery and transformation
Day 1
Embracing Menstruation and the concept of Hormonal Resilience
90 mins
Day 2
Stepping into Womanhood with confidence, authenticity, and inner wisdom
90 mins
Join me for two 90 min sessions of getting to know yourself.
11am UK time, via Zoom.
Both the masterclasses will be recorded so if you miss the live sessions, you will be able to catch up for up to 28 days after the end of the workshops.
Day 1
Embracing Menstruation & the concept of Hormonal Resilience
Myths vs. Facts: Debunking common myths about menstruation.
Menstrual Cycle 101: the distinctive phases, its corresponding hormonal changes, and consequent physiological changes.
Why we menstruate and what’s the main event of the cycle that nobody’s talking about.
Exploring the intricate workings of hormones, identifying the principal ones that play a pivotal role in the menstrual cycle, understanding how they are closely interconnected, and comprehending their influence on overall health.
HPO axis and how the brain and nervous system play a role in hormonal balance.
Common menstrual disorders: recognising the symptoms and strategies to mitigate them.
Progesterone – the forgotten hormone and its role beyond our reproductive health.
Tracking and body literacy.
Ovulatory vs anovulatory cycles and their implication on our delicate hormonal homeostasis.
Day 2
Stepping into Womanhood with confidence, authenticity and inner wisdom
The role of ovulation (or the lack of it) on our delicate hormonal balance from puberty to menopause.
Understanding the relationship between Estrogen & Progesterone.
Why heavy bleeds are the most common symptoms of menstrual irregularities.
Strategies for menstrual cramps, PMS, and some other common unwanted symptoms.
Estrogen the most talked about hormone in perimenopause & how the surplus of it give us the most common unwanted symptoms.
Types of menopause: from natural menopause, induced menopause, all the way to premature ovarian insufficiency.
Distinctive stages of perimenopause and how to know where you are in your transition.
Symptoms directly linked to menopause and all those that might not be.
Her-story: the journey of healing our wounded Feminine side & reclaiming our story
Understanding our nervous system and the very important interplay between the Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous System.
The link between Fight-or-Flight state and the inability to listen to your inner wisdom.
Intuition vs. Logic: Understanding the balance between intuitive and logical decision-making.
The tools for self-regulation, and how it links with hormonal balance.
Moving from knowledge to body literacy to inner wisdom.
Womanhood as a Rite of Passage.
The Great Goddess and the path to the Wise Woman.
This course is for you if…
You want to have a basic understanding of how your sex hormones work; how to recognise when something is not right and how it manifests in your body. And then having the knowledge of what to do about it.
You’ve had enough of feeling overwhelmed or confused about your health and either feeling constantly fatigued, catching every cold, or feeling anxious or angry for no reason.
You’re ready to feel empowered of what womanhood means to you.
You want to feel in control of your body such that "blaming" your hormones for how you feel is a thing of the past.
You want to trust yourself better and have an understanding of how your body is changing from puberty to menopause.
You are keen to get to know yourself on a deeper level.
This course is not for you if…
You’re not ready to take the step to truly understand who you are as a woman.
You’re happy to keep muddling through each menstrual cycle or menopause and just keep ‘winging it’.
You’re satisfied with the information you can gather on social media with regards to your help.
You want quick fixes.
You do not feel ready to trust yourself and your body and prefer to rely fully on other peoples’ opinion.
Hi, I'm Karolina
This work is dedicated to women who, like me, are hungry for knowledge but don't always know to whom they should turn to.
I, like you, am a woman who felt disempowered, gas-lit by doctors going into early perimenopause. This experience led me to dive into studying with many mentors and amazing teachers, doing hours of work on myself.
Now my vision is to help as many women as possible to feel empowered too.
I, like you, am a woman who's been through hormonal fluctuations and throughout most of my life felt not in control of my body. When perimenopause hit me at the age of 39 I was so tired, I had 50 shades of words for "tired'.
But because I studied nutrition, yoga and female physiology, I knew I could experiment with these tools to bring myself back into balance and laid the work.
And now, having had to go through this myself over the last 7 years, and studying alongside that, I've now come forth with this body of work.
My mission is to help as many women as possible, to feel empowered and educated so that they can make decisions to feel autonomy about their body.

Bola S.
“Thanks so much for running the workshop at Kindred in September. It has given me a lot of food for thought and I so appreciated your perspective and approach, which is quite different from a lot of other sources of Menopause information and teaching."
Lois D.
"I found the course so interesting and very educational. Karolina delivered the information in a fun and empowering way. I now know a lot more about the menopause and how to help women through this stage of life. Looking forward to putting all the info together and implementing it with my clients."
"I found Karolina’s workshop very informative, and I feel it has empowered me. Great work Karolina. Thank you. You opened my eyes to a lot of things and I wish I was cognisant of these things before I grew so much older. To have known these things before I actually went through menopause would have been a great asset."
Fiona M.
"Immediately, I was put at ease with the incredible depth and quantity of information Karolina relayed and how well-informed she was. I've been to amazing nutritionists before, but wanted to understand how to get my body moving again. It seemed like a good idea to speak to someone with experience in fitness, movement and bodybuilding. Multiple interconnected things were happening in my body, and I wanted to understand how to be active again. I had a sense I needed to learn how to slow down and learn what was happening in order to return to the fitness I'd enjoyed my whole life.
Once I had all the information, It was like having a succession of ah-ha moments, piecing together not just how perimenopause might be giving rise to symptoms but also my lifestyle and approach to this part of my life. That sounds obvious and simple, but feeling equipped to make changes is much more powerful than blindly trusting someone else's advice. I am a researcher, so I needed the complete picture before making any changes."
Mélisande S.
Love it, very interesting!
You rock my friend.